Have you been in to take a picture or drop a pin on the LAATE STORE SPOT MAP?? created by our talented team rider @thedukeof2woy  🧐🗺️📍

The LAATE SPOT MAP, was an idea Jake came into the shop one day with, and after a few months of working out how to best execute the map and make the board it is now ready for you to pin, take pictures of and explore the marked pins and when you are out there don't forget to tag us in the clips. 

To the whole skate community please feel free to head into LAATE and use this map to identify & share skate spots, both new & old, In doing so we hope to create an interactive tool that can broaden our understanding of how skateboarding uses public spaces, while also sharing data that builds community. 💙 now just to try figure out how to make it interactive on the website !!! 

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